APR - Tuna from Responsible Fishing
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The International Labour Organization (ILO) establishes in its C188, “Work in Fishing Convention”,  the aim that all the fishers have decent work conditions when they are on board of fishing vessels.




Improving work conditions in the fisheries sector

ILO’s Convention No. 188 became effective in 2007 and it meant a strong stimulus to the efforts aimed to improve the work conditions in the fisheries sector. AENOR’s APR certification is the only one totally based on ILO Convention 188 and it improves social sustainability and respect to workers..

ILO Convention 188 tries to face the main problems related to the work on board of fishing vessels, such as workplace safety and health, medical attention at sea and on land, rest periods, written contracts of employment and social security protection. Besides, its purpose is to guarantee that all the fishing vessels are built and kept in a way that all workers have a decent quality of life on board.

This Convention also contributes to prevent all workers from indecent working methodologies regulating the recruiting process and the investigation of complaints given by the fishers.

Social and safety conditions at the workplace for the crew of freezer tuna seiners certified with APR (minimum age, medical examinations, contracts of employment, salaries, rest hours, rest between seasons, funding, sick leaves, repatriation, medical attention, measures for the prevention of occupational risks and social security) accomplish and exceed the recommendations of the ILO, since among other reasons the European regulations are stricter than the conditions established in these conventions.

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Besides, AENOR works in the direction of the fishers’ adequate work conditions, safety and life on board, so that the APR certification guarantees appropriate conditions in the workplace with adequate contracts, rest periods, medical attention and social security.