APR - Tuna from Responsible Fishing

Why to Buy
APR Tuna

Now there is a way to exercise responsible purchasing of tuna. Looking for the AENOR APR Responsible Fishing Tuna Seal on the cans.

Look for the AENOR-APR stamp on your cans of tuna

Now there is a way to exercise responsible purchasing of tuna. Looking for the AENOR APR Responsible Fishing Tuna Seal on the cans.

5 reasons to buy APR Tuna


Because you’re supporting the best fishing practices

Because by buying AENOR APR tuna, you support the best fishing practices that avoid exploitation and accidental catches, and that secure the future of tuna populations.


Porque garantiza los derechos de los trabajadores de la pesca

Because the AENOR APR Tuna stamp is the only global stamp that guarantees the rights of fishing workers (minimum age, wages, contracts, insurance…) of tuna in accordance with the International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention No. 188 on work in fishing.

Because thanks to its chain of custody, when you buy a can of APR Tuna you guarantee that it comes from the AENOR certified freezer purse seine vessels and that it is safe, regulated and does not come from illegal fishing.


Because you guarantee the origin of the tuna

Because it comes from the responsible fishing of AENOR certified vessels whose fishing activity is fully controlled by global positioning system, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.


Because it comes from responsible fishing


Because you guarantee the maritime and sanitary control of vessels

Because by buying APR tuna, you guarantee the maritime and sanitary control of the vessels that catch the tuna, and that these vessels have the basic documentation and IMO identification number, which is classified and has a protection and compensation insurance, and are authorized and registered by the competent authority.

You can check which canneries have products with the AENOR – RESPONSIBLE TUNA FISHING stamp in the section:

Buying AENOR APR Tuna is a responsible decision.
Tuna is one of the most consumed fish species in the world. It reaches the market in multiple ways, especially canned. But for this to happen, many processes are required, involving the fishing system, the conditions of the vessels and of their workers, sanitary control, etc. Unfortunately, these processes are not always well managed, which puts the future of the world’s tuna population and of the workers who catch them at serious risk.
Now there is a way to responsibly purchase tuna, by searching for the AENOR APR Responsible Tuna Fishing Stamp in the cans.

What can you do?

The AENOR Certification of the APR Chain of Custody guarantees that the tuna comes from AENOR certified boats, based on the UNE 195006 standard and that these boats participate in a Fishery Improvement Project (FIP) that guarantees:

AENOR certified tuna vessels guarantee compliance with good fishing practices, as well as the existence of a control system for the fishing activity

Tuna with the AENOR APR stamp guarantees strict compliance with the social and labour rights of workers on certified tuna vessels in accordance with the highest international standards that affect the fishing activity: social conditions, maritime safety, control of fishing activity, good fishing practices and sanitary conditions..

From the moment of its catching and until its arrival to the consumer, it is guaranteed that the tuna has been caught in a responsible, safe and sustainable way.